Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Beginnings of my Research

The first thought that comes to mind as I sit here and begin to write about my research is that I feel like a detective searching for clues that should lead me to better understand the difference between Fate and man's free will, as it pertains to Virgil and the Homeric classics; this is my first goal.
In order to find the clues I will turn to readings on classical philosophy. I have used our library's online database, specifically JSTOR, to search for academic journals. My first research sitting through JSTOR was done early this month and I have to admit that it takes a while to go through the database because there is so much information (a good thing). So far I have searched through the following journals:
Comparative Literature, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, The American Journal of Philology, The Classical Quarterly and the Classical Journal. Under each journal I looked for titles relating to my topic and read the summary.

In my next posting, I will comment on some of my journal readins.

1 comment:

sp said...

Liliana -
You're doing well to look at ancient philosophy re: Fate and freewill. The ancients had a much stronger notion of Fate than most modern people do. The idea that one could reinvent himself or herself would have been foreign to the Romans . . . for the most part. But what about Homer (i.e. Odysseus)?
You may want to examine briefly the competing philosophies of Stoicism and Epicureanism: check Wikipedia.org for starters. . .